POTN successor forum

The old "photography-on-the.net" (POTN) forum was deleted in December 2023. What you see here is a new forum. This is the life raft for all POTN members. For free.

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Card Reader and Windows 11 probs

Tony Jones

New Member
Hi all, shocked to see the old POTN gone.
Just joined ,
I am having an issue with windows 11 and my card readers. I cannot upload photos direct from my card readers, or view the photos.
I have tried updating all drivers for all drives and USB ports but keeps saying best drivers already installed. Problems seem to have started since a windows update , but dont know which one.
I even purchased a new card reader and new SD cards. Previously been using CF cards with no problems at all.
I have a charity fund raiser to do next Saturday so now going into panic mode as we print photos on the night.

Thankyou TJ.